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Temperature cable to remind you of fire escape skills

Temperature cable to remind you of fire escape skills

1. Once exposed to the threat of fire, do not panic, to calmly determine their location, according to the surrounding smoke, flames, temperature and other analysis to determine the fire, do not blindly take action.

2. In a fire building, escape can not use the elevator, should go through the fire escape stairs escape. Because after the fire elevator shaft often become a fireworks channel. And the elevator may malfunction at any time.

3. If the clothing on the fire, you can quickly take off the clothing, or rolling on the ground to suppress the flame, you can jump into the nearby ponds, streams, the body of the fire extinguished, in short, to minimize the body burn area, reduce Burns degree.

4 living in the building, do not blindly running around, let alone escape, this will cause unnecessary casualties. Can hide in the bedroom or on the balcony. Closed doors and windows, cut off the fire, waiting for rescue. Conditional, you can continue to water the doors and windows cooling to delay the spread of fire.

5. Escape. Try to take protective measures, such as covering your nose and mouth with a wet towel and wrapping your body with wet clothing.